Accessible Communication for the Deaf
ACD is the Sign Language Services Division of the IU Group of Companies.
Full-Service American Sign Language Services
Accessible Communication for the Deaf (ACD) is the Sign Language Services Division of the IU Group of Companies, serving the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community nationwide.
Whenever you need an interpreter,
Wherever you need an interpreter,
ACD Can Make it Happen.
Our Services
We offer professional and complex American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation services for a variety of businesses nationwide.
On-site ASL Interpretation
Clients request services from ACD to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which mandates that places of public accommodation make their facilities, goods, and services accessible for all persons with disabilities.

Video Remote Interpreting
VRI involves the use of videoconferencing equipment or videophones to transmit video and audio signals through high-speed Internet connections. This allows a deaf or hard-of-hearing person to access an interpreter in a remote location,

Our Industries
Academic Services
We work with school districts, universities, and academic organizations, providing ASL interpretation services.
Medical Services
We have decades of experience and our contracted interpreters are qualified to interpret for your patients.
Legal Services
We’ll find a legal sign language interpreter with knowledge of courtroom protocol and procedures.
Workers’ Compensation
Our contracted interpreters provide ASL interpretation in the most efficient and professional manner.
Government Services
We work with dozens of state and county government agencies and departments in the United States.
Corporate Services
We provide corporate and private businesses with ASL interpretation services for meetings, interviews, employee training and more.
Why Businesses Choose ACD
Quality is our number one priority. To ensure that all of our contracted ASL interpreters meet or exceed an acceptable standard of quality, we only contract nationally certified and state qualified interpreters. These interpreters hold valid credentials from the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID). ACD is committed to providing highly qualified interpreters at reasonable and competitive rates. Contact us for more information.
Working with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing individuals has its challenges, as the DHOH community has its own unique language and culture. The interpreters who serve our clients are adept in eliminating communication barriers and encouraging a “deaf-friendly” environment, where everyone has a positive experience. They are among the most talented and motivated individuals in the field. Interpreters contracted by ACD meet or exceed professional qualification and/or certification standards.
Driven by Technology
Our proprietary IU Match-Connect acts as a robust CRM that makes invoicing and scheduling extremely easy and efficient. Enter appointments at your convenience and view appointment history regardless of entry (web, fax, or phone). Visit our corporate site for more information.

The IU Group of Companies
Contact Us
Miami Office |
Corporate Headquarters |